
The EU as a Maritime Security Provider? Prospects for Cooperation with Japan and South Korea

As the centre of global geopolitical and economic competition shifts towards Asia, the EU’s economic interests in the Indo-Pacific bring maritime security issues in the region ever closer to home. However, if the EU cares to be recognized as a global maritime security actor, and protect its interests abroad, it will need to take concrete steps to strengthen maritime security cooperation with its Asian partners.

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Japanese Politics After Suga: Who is Fumio Kishida?

Who is Fumio Kishida, the new leader of Japan’s Liberal Democratic Party succeeding Yoshihide Suga after his stepping down as Prime Minister? Standing for the 31 October 2021 general elections we look ahead and assess who he is and what he represents within the party and for the country.

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The Quad Leaders’ Summit: Where Does the EU Indo-Pacific Strategy Fit?

As the EU is asserting itself as an Indo-Pacific player by working with existing multilateral groupings, it maintains a degree of strategic ambiguity, especially regarding China. While this ambiguous stance may limit cooperation with the Quad on traditional security issues, the Quad and the EU hold the potential to jointly deliver on several, cross-domain transnational issues.

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