Myanmar’s Recent Developments and Sanctions reconsidered?

More than a year after the military coup and the beginning of violent clashes between the Tatmadaw and its opponents, Myanmar continues to experience unrest. The ongoing violence in the country is overshadowed by the Junta’s announcement to start carry out the death penalty for the first time in decades. The humanitarian crisis, shortages of goods and soaring prices for commodities are intensified by side effects of international sanctions, the covid-19 pandemic and global dynamics. Despite the severity of the crisis, the European Union has remained rather silent as of lately.

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The EU as a Maritime Security Provider? Prospects for Cooperation with Japan and South Korea

As the centre of global geopolitical and economic competition shifts towards Asia, the EU’s economic interests in the Indo-Pacific bring maritime security issues in the region ever closer to home. However, if the EU cares to be recognized as a global maritime security actor, and protect its interests abroad, it will need to take concrete steps to strengthen maritime security cooperation with its Asian partners.

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Reforming the EU’s GSP+ Scheme – An Analysis into Uzbekistan’s Admission

The EU’s GSP+ Scheme aims to alleviate poverty in beneficiary countries by providing them the opportunity to strengthen and diversify their exports. Despite the benefits, the nature of the scheme’s conditions have raised questions on its ability to deliver its key intentions. Using Uzbekistan as a case study, this Op-ed will assess and analyse the EU’s GSP+ scheme and question who indeed benefits from the scheme, and the manner in which the EU identifies and addresses the issues of poor corporate practices resulting.

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South Korea’s Tightest Presidential Race in History: What Will Yoon’s Victory Bring to EU-ROK Relations?

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic Yoon Seok-Yeol of the conservative People Power Party (PPP) was elected as the ROK’s new president winning 48.56% of the votes. President-elect Yoon’s administration is expected to bring substantial change to South Korea’s foreign policy. Hence, what will be potential areas of future cooperation between the EU and South Korea under Yoon’s administration?

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