
Building Peace Amid Turmoil: What Role Can The EU Play in Myanmar’s Fragile Path to Stability?

The security environment in Myanmar has been at a critical point for the past few years. Since the 2021 military coup under General Min Aung Hlang, security challenges have reached critical levels both internally and regionally, also spreading beyond Myanmar’s borders. Moreover, Refugee inflows, especially into Bangladesh and Thailand, have added to the already existing challenge of the Rohingya Crisis.

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Myanmar’s Recent Developments and Sanctions reconsidered?

More than a year after the military coup and the beginning of violent clashes between the Tatmadaw and its opponents, Myanmar continues to experience unrest. The ongoing violence in the country is overshadowed by the Junta’s announcement to start carry out the death penalty for the first time in decades. The humanitarian crisis, shortages of goods and soaring prices for commodities are intensified by side effects of international sanctions, the covid-19 pandemic and global dynamics. Despite the severity of the crisis, the European Union has remained rather silent as of lately.

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Myanmar’s humanitarian crisis: What role for the international community?

The February 2021 coup in Myanmar led to the overthrow of the existing government and served as a catalyst for increased violence and deteriorating humanitarian conditions country-wide. What is the existing contribution of the international community, including the EU, and how can Brussels improve its response to better tackle the humanitarian and security implications of the current crisis?

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