Policy Briefs

Kishida’s New Capitalism and its implications for EU-Japan relations

On 10 July 2022, The LDP’s strong victory in the Senate elections following the attack on former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe provided Kishida with the authority and legitimacy to carry out his New Capitalism policies. “Kishidanomics” will address many issues impacting foreign economic policy, directly affecting Japan’s historical partners such as the European Union.

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Addressing the EU’s GSP+ Dilemma – An Assessment of Pakistan’s GSP+ Status

The EU’s beneficial trade scheme for vulnerable, low-income countries, the GSP+ framework, is currently under review. Meant to aid developing countries’ efforts of lifting their most deprived parts of society out of poverty, it is supposed to incentivise social and environmental conditions in countries such as Pakistan. Yet, there is plenty of criticism revolving around transparency, objectivity and effectiveness of the framework. This EIAS Policy Brief examines areas of potential improvement of the scheme along the case of Pakistan.

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Infrastructure Financing in Sri Lanka: Lessons Learnt and Future Collaboration

Over the past decade, Sri Lanka has seen a steady rise in foreign debt, largely as a result of unsustainable infrastructural loans. This debt was exacerbated by the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, with the highly remunerative tourism sector majorly impacted. In early 2021, the government was forced to declare a state of economic emergency amidst a distressing fall in the value of the Sri Lankan Rupee.

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