Discussion on EU-ASEAN Economic Relations

EIAS had the pleasure of hosting a delegation of high-ranking decision-makers and academics from six Southeast Asian countries (Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, The Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam) invited to Brussels and Berlin by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation. At EIAS they were welcomed for a discussion on EU-ASEAN Economic Diversification Strategies and Enhanced Partnership Opportunities amid Great Power Dynamics on 23 April 2024.

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Balancing Environmental and Socioeconomic Priorities: EU-ASEAN Relations and the Deforestation Regulation

On 2 February 2024, the 2nd meeting of the Ad Hoc Joint Task Force (JTF) on the European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR), between the EU Commission, Malaysia, and Indonesia took place in Putrajaya, Malaysia. The gathering was organised by the Council of Palm Oil Producing Countries (CPOPC) and followed the initial meeting held on 4 August, 2023 in Jakarta, Indonesia. Attended by official representatives and stakeholders from key industries affected by the EUDR, such as palm oil, rubber, cocoa, timber, and coffee, the JTF aims to address concerns raised by ASEAN members, particularly Indonesia and Malaysia, regarding the EU’s deforestation regulation. The establishment of the JTF reflects efforts to enhance communication and mitigate tensions between the EU and ASEAN nations.

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EIAS contribution to the Scholars Programme on EU-ASEAN Relations (SPEAR)

On 28 February 2024 EIAS Director Lin Goethals contributed as a speaker to the “Scholars Programme on EU-ASEAN Relations (SPEAR)” organised by the Delegation of the European Union to ASEAN for researchers from the different countries in Southeast Asia. This Fourth Session of the Scholars Programme discussed the EU Strategy on the Indo-Pacific: A Regional Initiative to Complement ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific (AOIP).

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Navigating the Indo-Pacific Tides: Key Takeaways from the EU Indo-Pacific Ministerial Forum 2024

Amidst the complex currents of geopolitics, economic interdependence, and global challenges, the Third EU Indo-Pacific Ministerial Forum convened in Brussels on 1-2, February 2024, hosted by Josep Borrell Fontelles, the EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission. Now in its third year, the forum holds significant weight as a cornerstone of the EU’s overarching strategy for Indo-Pacific cooperation, originally conceived in 2021. As the EU and the Indo-Pacific region increasingly intertwine across security, economy, and society, the imperative for a unified and well-coordinated response to common challenges as well as opportunities becomes ever more apparent.

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Resumption of the EU-Thailand Free Trade Agreement: A Catalyst for Growth and Collaboration

In an era marked by profound and unprecedented geopolitical tensions, trade disputes, supply chain disruptions, and global economic downturn, the revival of negotiations for the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between the European Union (EU) and Thailand signifies an opportunity to revitalise the economic relations between the two long-time trading partners. Leveraging the foundation laid by the EU-Thai Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA) signed on 14 December 2022, both parties have affirmed their commitment towards upholding the rules-based international order. The PCA is the reflection of the EU’s strategic intent to address the increasing geopolitical risks, economic uncertainties, and the climate crisis by actively cultivating like-minded alliances in the Indo-Pacific region.

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The EU-ASEAN Energy Dialogue – Practices and implementation

During the EU-ASEAN Commemorative Summit held in Brussels on 14 December 2022, the European Commission and the Members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) agreed to launch an Energy Dialogue. Between November and December 2022 Indonesia and Vietnam signed a JETP to fight climate change by reducing the use of fossil fuels and developing renewable energy sources. ASEAN’s green transition with EU cooperation can be very fruitful and a leading example for many other countries.

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