While the Brexit impact is continuing globally and still has huge uncertainty in its consequence, it highlights several implications for EU as well as other regions and regional organizations to learn. As a regional organization committed to promote cooperation among China, Japan and the ROK, the Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat organised a Special Seminar on the Brexit Implication on Regional Integration on 28 September, aiming to provide a timely opportunity for in-depth exchange among scholars and experts from China, Japan and the ROK as well as EU and ASEAN to examine relevant issues under the following two themes of “Evaluation of the Brexit and its broader impacts,” and “Implications of the Brexit on the future development of East Asian integration”. The participants shared their views and deepened them through in-depth analysis. They also expressed profound appreciation to the TCS for convening this important Seminar in a timely manner.
Mr Axel Goethals, CEO; and Mr Erik Famaey, Senior Associate, represented the European Institute for Asian Studies.