Our EIAS Newsletter of January 2021 is out now. You can read it here
With the holidays just behind us, our EIAS team wishes you all the best for the new year and gladly presents you the first EIAS newsletter of the year, including the report and online link to our latest webinar and a series of publications on EU-Asia affairs. These have been challenging times and we are still going through difficult moments. However, we do believe better times are ahead of us and hopefully soon, we will be able to welcome you again at our EIAS venue. In the meantime, we would like to thank you all for your support throughout this past year.
We are looking forward to continuing our work in 2021 and will keep on deepening our discussions, dialogues and publications on EU-Asia affairs. Make sure to follow us online through our website and social media channels for the latest news and updates.
We wish you and your beloved ones a fruitful and inspiring 2021.
[upside_button class=”kopa-button navy-button medium-button kopa-button-icon” link=” https://mailchi.mp/eias/eias-newsletter-december-500288?e=a0d0dabbd7 ” target=””]Read the Newsletter[/upside_button]