Rana Plaza, an eight-story commercial building located in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, collapsed on 24 April 2013 killing 1,129 and injuring 2,500 people. This catastrophe marked a turning point for Bangladesh Ready Made Garment industry: the government can no longer ignore the degrading and alarming working conditions of workers of this industry, and international labour rights advocacy initiatives gain strength and impulse to make those corporations supplying from Bangladesh to increase their commitment to the protection of labour rights.
This briefing paper enquires into multinationals’ supply chains established in developing countries, identifies controversial issues along it and establishes their causes and risks. These problematic issues need to be addressed through Corporate Social Responsibility management. Thus, it proposes a set of Responsible Supply Chain Management measures to solve some of them, avoid their negative consequences and achieve responsible production and, consequently, a sustainable and responsible global wealth.