In 2011-2012 EIAS co-organised and EU-China Youth Dialogue in order to strengthen mutual understanding and foster people-to-people relationships. The project embarked on the flow of the EU-China people-to-people dialogue as the third pillar of EU-China relations. Personal contacts are the biggest stimulus and inspiration for enhanced mutual understanding, building bridges of friendship and future cooperation between Europeans and Chinese. Young people are not only the future but also the present. By including them in policy-making processes, they are given the opportunity to speak up and have their voice heard. Providing young people today with the required tools to become involved in policy-making, active citizenship is being promoted. Young people might be young and inexperienced but their dynamism can be an engine for society, especially in times of global economic crisis.
The project provided many useful insights in the specific topics addressed during the dialogue, while it was also a very enriching personal experience, working with young participants both from China and Europe, with different backgrounds, origins and viewpoints. Considering their potential, we have positive outlooks for a bright young future of EU-China relations. Please find below a digital copy of the final report.