
Pre-feasibility (March 2015)

This research paper was conducted by EIAS as part of EBTC Work-plan 6, Action no. 32c. In line with the objectives of the work plan, the pre-feasibility study looked into key sectors in North-East India where EU SMEs can realise their potential through technology export and market access. The study identifies existing problems and challenges in the states of Assam, Meghalaya and Mizoram in the fields of solid waste and water management; rainwater harvesting; brick production; the tea industry; oil and gas extraction; rat hole mining; and environmental degradation. The diverse scope of the study as well as the preceding fact finding missions allowed the expert team of EIAS to develop a holistic view of pressing environmental, economic and societal issues that present challenges to the localities of North-east India. This comprehensive view is reflected in the structure of the individual case studies presented on the following pages. While considerable dysfunctions were found in the existing practices, as well as management and production methods in all of the focus topics, several possibilities for EU cleantech SME involvement were also identified. A recurring theme throughout the research is that the inclusive scope and in-depth breath of the findings show that further action in each of the individual topics merit independent feasibility studies to be concluded.

Clean Coal (September 2013)

The most important output of our collaboration with EBTC is this report on “Potential of Clean Coal Technology in India: An SME Perspective”. This study explores potential business opportunities in the Indian coal based power value chain for European Small and Medium Enterprises (SME’s) that specialize in clean coal technology (CCT). The report attempts to elucidate a general overview of the Indian coal based power value chain and its three pillars: coal mining, coal logistics and coal power plants. Conclusion: there is significant scope for the reduction of environmental pollution and greenhouse gas emission in each of the three. The study also provides a brief overview of both EU and Indian CCT-related and environmental legislation, and reveals the range of existing CCT expertise and technology in Europe offered especially by SME’s. The draft report was presented in the 7th EU-India Clean Coal working group meeting in Brussels, and valuable feedback from both Indian and European CCT experts were incorporated into the study.

[upside_button class=”kopa-button navy-button small-button kopa-button-icon” link=”http://ebtc.eu/images/ebtc-website-assets/publications/sector-publications/energy/market-reports/130614_REP_potential-of-clean-coal-technologies-in-india_an-sme-perspective.pdf” target=””]Download Report[/upside_button]