With the spring blossoms slowly awakening, we are excited to share a number of fascinating upcoming EIAS activities with you. We look foward to welcoming you at our Briefing Seminar on South Asia Development, organised together with the World Bank on the 10th of April 2024. In collaboration with the Student Think Tank for Europe-Asia Relations (STEAR) we are also hosting their first in-person Annual Conference, the Europe-Asia Youth Forum – Eurasian Horizons: Cross-Cultural Dialogues for Peacebuilding on the 19th of April 2024.
We are delighted to announce that the registrations are now open for the Crash Course “The EU and the Indo-Pacific Region – Challenges and Opportunities (EUIndoPAC Jean Monnet Teaching Module), delivered both online and on-site by UCLouvain, IEE St Louis and EIAS between 3-8 June 2024.
Besides reports of our recent activities we are proud to present our comprehensive study on the Middle Corridor Initiative and an in-depth analysis of EU-ASEAN relations in view of the EU’s Deforestation Regulation.
We look forward to welcoming you at one of our exciting next events and activities and wish you a wonderful read ahead.
Best wishes,
The EIAS Team
Photo credits: Unsplash