EIAS Webinar on The EU Green Deal: Prospects for EU-Taiwan Circular Economy Cooperation
DOWNLOAD THE INTRODUCTION by Mr Charles Huang HERE: https://eias.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Introduction-by-Charles-Huang.pdf
DOWNLOAD THE CONCLUSION by Mr Charles Huang HERE: https://eias.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Conclusion-Mr-Charles-Huang.pdf
Taiwan and the EU are pursuing similar environmental and economic objectives. The EU, with the establishment of its Green Deal, aims at boosting its economy through green and sustainable technology in order to reach carbon neutrality by 2050 and secure its competitive position in a modern economic system, leading global efforts on the circular economy. Through its Circular Economy Action Plan, the EU aims to empower consumers and public buyers in enhancing waste reduction, while making sustainable products the norm.
At the same time, Taiwan has put green energy transition and circular economy on its economic agenda. By developing its production into a circular system, Taiwan seeks to address its lack of natural resources as well as protect the environment. Taiwan’s Environmental Protection Agency drafted “the Recycling and Reuse Promotion Plan (2018-2020)” aiming to utilize waste as resources in the various stages of material production, consumption, disposal, and renewal; replace the excavation of natural resources; and achieve the vision of full recycling materials and zero waste. The government also adopted “the Circular Economy Promotion Plan” in December 2018, merging the ideal of a circular economy and the thoughts of sustainability and innovation into various economic activities.
Fruitful and mutually beneficial collaboration opportunities and innovation could be explored for both Taiwanese and EU businesses. Investments associated with the EU’s Green Deal Initiative particularly have the potential to further deepen existing bilateral exchange in the field of the circular economy and help facilitate Taiwanese companies leveraging their technology and know-how into European markets.
This webinar will analyse the potential for businesses and policy makers in Taiwan and the EU to assess how to shape mutually beneficial green cooperation in the circular economy and to promote investment, trade, and technology exchanges between their respective industries.
09:30-09:45 Opening remarks
Tzi-Chin CHANG, Minister, Environmental Protection Administration of the ROC (Taiwan)
Joanna DRAKE, Deputy Director-General, DG Environment, European Commission
Alexandr VONDRA, Member of European Parliament
9:45-11:00 Panel Discussion
Mr. Charles Huang, Founder and Chairman of Taiwan Circular Economy Network
Kestutis SADAUSKAS, Director for Circular Economy and Green Growth, DG Environment, European Commission
Yin-yin LAI, Director General, Waste Management Department, Environment Protection Administration of the ROC (Taiwan)
ZC Chen, Chairman & CEO of BenQ Materials Corp.
Followed by a Q&A session with the audience
Photo credits: Pixabay