Past Event – Book Launch “EU Industrial Policy in the Multipolar Economy: How to Ensure Europe’s Strategic Autonomy vis-à-vis China and the US?” on 15.11.2022

Past Event – Book Launch “EU Industrial Policy in the Multipolar Economy: How to Ensure Europe’s Strategic Autonomy vis-à-vis China and the US?” on 15.11.2022

Past Event – Book Launch “EU Industrial Policy in the Multipolar Economy: How to Ensure Europe’s Strategic Autonomy vis-à-vis China and the US?” on 15.11.2022

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The European Institute for Asian Studies, UCLouvain-Saint Louis Institute for European Studies, UCLouvain, and the Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies organised a book launch event on Tuesday 15 November 2022 at 18:00 at EIAS, Rue de la Loi 67, B-1040 Brussels.

EU Industrial Policy in the Multipolar Economy: 
How to Ensure Europe’s Strategic Autonomy vis-à-vis China and the US?

Date: Tuesday 15 November 2022
Time: 18:00 (Registration from 17:30)
Venue: EIAS, Rue de la Loi 26, 10th floor, 1040 Brussels

Jean-Christophe Defraigne (UCLouvain-Saint Louis), Edoardo Traversa (UCLouvain), Jan Wouters (KU Leuven) & Dimitri Zurstrassen (UCLouvain-Sorbonne University) presented their latest book EU Industrial Policy in the Multipolar Economy published with Edward Elgar Publishing (

The book gives an interdisciplinary perspective on the current challenges faced by EU policy-makers in framing and implementing a coherent European industrial policy. It analyses the historical, constitutional and structural long-term cause of the absence of a strong industrial policy at the EU level, the existing tensions between the Member States and the EU institutions regarding industrial and competition policies and the conditions for an integrated EU industrial policy to emerge. It further explains how the EU and its Member States may keep their position in global value chains while other major partners such as the US and China are pursuing strategic trade and industrial policies to maintain or to increase their dominant position. In addition, it develops comparative analyses, in order to identify from the experiences of other large economies the US, Japan, Korea, China elements that could be of relevance to the EU in terms of vertical and horizontal industrial policy. It concludes by evidencing scenarios as regards the evolution of the global position of the EU in the near future.

“A timely book on a fundamental theme for the future of European sovereignty, which brings together experts from the academic world and practitioners of industrial policy. The various case studies on key industries, the historical and legal perspectives and the comparative analysis with the experiences of the US and China provide a deep insight into the workings and challenges of EU industrial policy in this 21st century. A must-read for all those who feel concerned about Europe’s strategic autonomy” 

Romano Prodi, Professor emeritus of industrial policy (University of Bologna), Former Prime Minister of Italy and Former President of the European Commission 


17:30 – 18:00 Registration
18:00 – 19:30 Presentation of the book by the authors and debate
Chair: Lin GOETHALS, EIAS Director
Presentation by the Authors:

  • Jean-Christophe DEFRAIGNE, UCLouvain-Saint Louis
  • Edoardo TRAVERSA, UCLouvain
  • Jan WOUTERS, KU Leuven
  • Dimitri ZURSTRASSEN, UCLouvain-Sorbonne University

19:30 Drinks and Bites  

About the Editors

Jean-Christophe Defraigne holds an MSc in Economic History at the London School of Economics and a PhD in Economics at the University of Brussels. He is currently Professor in International and European Economics at the Institute for European Studies of the UCLouvain Saint-Louis Bruxelles and at the Louvain School of Management of UCLouvain. He is also a research fellow at the Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies of the KU Leuven University. He has been visiting scholar and professor at UIBE Beijing (對外經濟貿易大學) and Zhejiang Da Xue (浙江大学). As an academic expert, he has participated in numerous international research projects for various international institutions such as the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Japan External Trade Organization (日本貿易振興機構) and the Jacques Delors Institute.

Edoardo Traversa is Full Professor of Tax Law and European Law at the Faculty of Law and Criminology and at the Institute of European Studies at UCLouvain. He is also a visiting professor at KU Leuven, WU Vienna and Oxford. His research interests include European tax integration, international taxation, fiscal and financial federalism, EU indirect taxation (VAT) and interaction between taxation and public policies, in particular as regards the EU and constitutional constraints to domestic tax policies. He is a member of several advisory committees for EU and Belgian institutions (EU VAT Expert Group, EU Platform for Tax Good Governance). He also practises law at the Brussels Bar.

Jan Wouters is Full Professor of International Law and International Organizations, Jean Monnet Chair ad personam, Director of the Institute for International Law and of the Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies (a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence and University Centre of Excellence) at KU Leuven, President of the University’s International Policy Council, and Administrator of the America Europe Fund. He is Adjunct Professor at Columbia University (New York), and Visiting Professor at Sciences Po (Paris), Université Paris-2 (Panthéon-Assas), LUISS (Rome), and the College of Europe (Bruges). A Member of the Belgian Royal Academy and of Counsel at Linklaters, Brussels, he has published widely on international and EU law, international organizations and global governance. He recently coordinated a large Horizon 2020 Project, RECONNECT. He advises and trains regularly international organizations and governments, and is often asked to comment on international events in national and international media.

Dimitri Zurstrassen holds a degree in Contemporary History from the Free University of Brussels (Belgium) and a Master’s degree in Contemporary History from the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain). He is currently a doctoral researcher in Contemporary History at the Sorbonne University (France) and UCLouvain (Belgium). His doctoral thesis project focuses on the study of the evolution of EU industrial policy from 1974 to 2002 through the analysis of European Commission interventions in the steel sector (http:// www .theses .fr/ s159027). He has been involved in several research projects on the history of European integration such as the European Commission’s oral history project (1986–2000) coordinated by UCLouvain and the oral history of the European Court of Justice, a pilot research project coordinated by the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory in Frankfurt (Germany).

Event registration closed.

Date And Time

15-11-2022 - 18:00 (CET) to
15-11-2022 - 19:30 (CET)

Registration End Date


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